Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Sunglases Are Famous

This kid just cracks me up.  From the open shirt, obnoxious sunglasses, and horribly dyed hair, this guy is just too much.  (Oh ya, the party wasn't his fault)

Kids take note - If the party happens as your house, with your friends, and damage it done to your street, your neighbors are bothered, and your parents are upset... chances are, it's YOUR fault.  I wouldn't be too quick to let this guy host your next party.

Bets on how long it takes this anchor to track the boy down and slap him across the face?

Sign of the Apocalypse 2

A dog driving a car safely across the street unharmed?  I almost want to think this was a hoax... but the video shows it all. What's next?  Cats as chauffeurs?  Or maybe we can go back to pigeons as mail carriers?


Kind of shocking and disturbing to see this right after the largest beef recall in history... I know it's at an earlier date, but we're seeing more and more of these recalls.  So about that tofu...

I'm not sure how I feel about making the largest cheeseburger in the world with what could potentially be bad beef.  Sign of the apocalypse?  

Now we just need the Hamburgler to make an appearance.  

My Only Sports Blog

So if you didn't know, I cover women's basketball for the school newspaper.  Now I know what you're thinking.  Women's basketball?  Why?  Well here's a shocker - they are currently the best sports team at SMU.  In fact, they made history last night after defeating Houston to mark the 21st win of the season - the most wins in school history.  So why do we continue to discriminate against women's sports?
I've heard guys say they would go to the games if the girls played in just sports bras and spandex... ok then why don't they go to volleyball?  The volleyball girls wear minimal clothing and you don't see fans there!  I've even seen the men's basketball team enviously watching the women from the bleachers - these guys only WISH they could be as good as the girls.
For the first time in the program's history the basketball team has a damn good chance of sweeping the Conference USA tournament, and going on to the NCAA Championship.  Have we caught your attention yet to watch these girls?
While it's too late now since the last two games are away, maybe next season the school will realize these girls are good.  It would be nice to see some fan support for not only a women's sport, but for the best sport at SMU.  Just because we're girls doesn't mean we're inferior to the guys.  

Dirty Dissing

Almost as addicting as Facebook, DirtyDTown has gained the reputation of being a website people check on a regular basis.  Now whether it's to laugh at the unfortunate people who make it up on the site, or simply to reassure oneself they aren't on the website, DirtyDTown is getting probably more hits than it deserves.
It's a guilty pleasure we all take part in seeing classmates make fools of themselves in public. It's even better when we can rehash these moments on a website.  But is this really fair?  I'm sure this website is all fun and games... until your face pops up once.  (Or dozens of times if you become a favorite).  And the harsh comments?  Sure some are funny, but I think it's time some of the people on the site grew up and leave the bullying to the high school basketball courts.  It's college - we're supposed to be more accepting of everyone.
I've been lucky enough to not have my face plastered on the screen yet, but hey I think we could all take a very valuable lesson from DirtyDTown.  Don't act like a tramp or drunken idiot if there's a camera around - especially if the person hiding behind the lens has a grudge against you.  Once that flash blinds you, it's fair game where that picture will end up. 

Friday, February 22, 2008

Brick Wall

I feel like I hit a brick wall today when I sat down to write this blog.  Thinking I had a great idea in mind, I was so wrong.  But, it made me think - what creates these barriers?  Is it a lack of confidence? Fear of publishing something our peers will make fun of?  Or is it simply just an incomplete thought that never materialized into more?
I guess in my case, it's a combination of all three.  Maybe it's my mood, but I just feel like any idea I put on my blog today isn't good enough.  Maybe it's the result of a more than horrible sports recap on the Daily Update that has put me in this mood.  I guess something as small as being too critical of yourself can crush your self-esteem faster than you can crush a spider.
I'm sure by my next entry though I'll have my confidence restored, and any idea that comes to my mind will be satisfactory with a little extra flair and color :)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chalk one up to the artist

Being completely handicapped in the artistic field, these chalk drawings really caught my eye.  Who thought of the idea to draw various scenes on a sidewalk, make them appear 3-D, and the set a child on a flat piece of cement for a picture to add human life to it?  This form of creativity extends beyond anything I could think of... for now at least.
The simple idea of coloring on a sidewalk brings back childhood memories.  The complex idea of establishing various boundaries, dimensions, colors, and shadows combines an array of skills that I can only hope on day to develop.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Does evil have a face?

I have never really thought about what I consider to be truly evil.  I mean I've called other girls evil for dating the hot guy in a class, or spreading a rumor about me, but by no means do I think they are really evil.
The first thing that came to my mind when I heard the word evil was red eyes.  I can't put my finger on exactly why, but I'm going to go with something along the lines of a childhood memory.  I remember watching The Lion King and thinking Scar was evil for killing his brother.  There weren't any red eyes associated with this, but those coyotes sent chills down my spine.  Or maybe it was the cackling laugh they let out every time they thought of a new destructive plan.
As I write this, I think someone is evil if they think or act upon hurting a person, either physically or emotionally.  Someone is evil if they have intentions of harming someone simply to get pleasure out of it.  Someone is evil if they seek joy in seeing someone suffer.
Now is the girl sending glances to your boyfriend evil?  No, she's just rude... and inconsiderate... and jealous... and well, a bitch.  But definitely not evil - she can't hurt you from across the bar.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I'm going to start off by saying I'm not a huge fan or Doritos.  I'm not a fan of turning the color of the food I eat, nor am I all for trying to nibble around an awkwardly cheese-overload triangle while it's crumbles away between my fingers.  So, I'm apologizing ahead of time if I offend any Dorito fans in the horizontal and vertical textuality connections I'm about to make.

Horizontal - (single genre)
  • well let's state the obvious: Fritos, Pringles, Cheezits... all around snack food
  • that crunching noise when the man bites into the chip - it's apparent in almost ALL food commercials (same with the crinkling of the bag)
  • has anyone else noticed how many food/ beverage ads are aimed at preventing someone from stealing the main subject's food (just look at the Mountain Dew "Spy" commercials) - this trend continues in this spot, only it's a mouse instead of person
  • on that note, has anyone else noticed the object that is being prevented from getting the food usually prevails in the end?
Vertical - (multiple genres)
  • the music, while very well suited for the ad, makes me thing I should expect a fat lady to pop out of the wall not a mouse - so let's throw the music back to the Opera
  • While the mouse is not a cartoon, I couldn't help but think of Pinky and the Brain trying to take over the universe
  • and does the main guy not slightly resemble Uncle Lurch from the Adam's Family?

Tertiary text -
  • the man is clearly trying to set a certain standard for who is "worthy" enough to eat Doritos - poor mouse :(
  • while the mouse is trying to prove that all species are "worthy" and capable enough to get their paws on their own bag of chips
  • The main message I got from this ad was: If someone wants a bag of Doritos bad enough, they will go to all lengths to get them.  Anyone who desires can share in the enjoyment of these chips.

Monday, February 18, 2008

What about Grey's?

Finally, the writer's strike is over!  Now we can get back to wasting our weeknights in front of the TV zoning out to Grey's Anatomy, Heros, Lost... whatever show it was that took priority on a given night.
However, I think most assumed our shows would pick back up right where they left off.  Why then have we not seen any indication to the return of our guilt pleasures?  Oh that's right, the writers strike may be over, but not the negotiations.  Way to get our hopes up!  Never fear though, there are numerous students making their own TV shows right here on campus.  Maybe there's hope for us - these shows could turn out to better than Grey's (doubtful). But hey, I for one am trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel as more than a train.
In the meantime, we have more time to study (ick) and more time to go out with our friends (yay).  Use this free-time to get the dirt on the new hotty, check out the hottest bar, and dance wildly to the newest tune before all your free time becomes consumed by the latest fictional love affair.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I need to vent

So maybe this isn't the spot to vent my anger, but I'm going to try and be constructive in my criticism.  I spent the weekend at the National Cheerleaders Association National All-Star Competition at the Coliseum and was stunned at the number of "fans" who did not constitute cheerleading as a sport. Even worse, they automatically assumed all men were gay.
Watch this video and tell me you wouldn't want to be one of those buff guys tossing and flipping tones hotties through the hair, while getting a peak up their barely-there skirt before you catch them around their waist.
So this video is a college routine from when I competed in Daytona, Florida last year, but it is by no means short of what any other cheerleader is capable of.
Part of being creative is having an open mind, but how can people who call themselves supported of cheerleader stereotype these athletes as non-athletes, and then men as gay, and women as too skinny and dizty?  If you ask me, these routines and tricks you see on the screen are pretty damn creative.  Could the average Joe come up with the idea to backflip a girl into one guy's hand, and have her flip down only to twist back up in an upside down handstand?  I doubt it.
This sport is one of the most creative outlets I've experienced.  From the age of four I've been through classes, competitions, and have now taken over the coaching side, and let me tell you, some of my most creative ideas have been put into this sport.
Everyone needs to find their niche, and while I one day want mine to be advertising - I think this will do for now.  As for the rest of you, open your minds to more than your favorite sport! I'll bet you end up surprised at what you discover.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Living a movie

This article seems like something you see out of a movie - not a headline on CNN News.  When are people going to live scenes such as street racing should be reserved for the big screen, not the back alley of a neighborhood.  In the wake of the Illinois shooting, and now this, you would think people would be more careful about their actions.
I guess what scares me the most about this is that it is something I could see my brother doing. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but guys seem to think they are invincible, and bad things will never happen to them.  Seeing these events, we need to take a step back and evaluate what is important to us.  It's time we open our eyes, but we must start thinking more carefully and clearly before we put that one foot in front of the other.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Free Fallin'

Let the political ad campaign blood bath begin!  Let me start by saying that while I am a Republican and I have no intention of voting for Hillary Clinton, I felt the ad harmed Hilary more than helping her.
If you've been keeping up with the news you know Clinton isn't a favorite. Sure it would be great to see a woman in office, but I felt this ad was symbolic of how Clinton's campaign is plummeting straight into the ground. The scary opening looks like a death sentence. Yes I know our economy is somewhat falling apart, but I highly doubt our country is at risk of dying should the parachuter hit the ground.
It is relaxing to see the parachute open up though at the end, and hey, maybe Clinton does have a chance. I know our economy can overcome whatever form of recession our parent's generation has subjected us to, but we don't need death defying stunts thrown in our faces to prove this.
Hillary, now might be a good time to start opening that parachute though...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Virgin Eyes

I'm sure this ad stirs many emotions. Some may think it's sexy, hip, and hot amongst other things... then there are those who find this ad inappropriate, appalling, and completely unnecessary to have displayed on a public street. I mean dozens, if not thousands of children pass by this sign everyday - and I'm sure they are paying not attention to the black jeans being advertised.
The only people probably paying attention to the jeans are girls.  I mean they are on the guy, the only part of the guy you can see that has clothes are his legs. The sexual message of the ad supports the male ego that jeans will get you some action by a gorgeous girl wearing only a bra, covered in sweat because she's that hot for you.  Get real Calvin Klein. Only a very small target audience is going to react positively to this.
Children especially should not be exposed to this form of advertising on a regular basis - God forbid little Timmy thinks if he wears jeans he's going to get laid. How does a parent explain to the band geek 10 years later that black jeans don't get you girls?
These ads need to be not only reevaluated, but their location also needs to be given much more consideration.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

False punishment

Jail is supposed to be a place where murderers, rapists, robbers, and drunk drivers are held as punishment for their actions. But when did it start to resemble a sleazy boys' club resort?
The attached article explains a prison in Florida where guards have taken it upon themselves to transfer the prison grounds into a playground. Guards are being accused of accepting kickback, importing and selling steroids to give them an upper hand in rival softball games during yard time, using taxpayers funds for alcohol and prostitutes, and guards starting fights with other guards. Explaining "women were treated like chattel in this department," orgies were also normal events on the prison grounds.
If prison grounds are becoming a cause for celebration after winning a softball game, it's no wonder our jails are being overcrowded. Our tax money is going towards frat-like parties, rather than punishing crime. Law enforcement officials are meant to be trusted, but how are we to trust them when they are guilty of engaging in such activities?
I think it's time to re-evaluate what goes on in our prison system, and pay more attention to the people we are supposed to be trusting.
For the full article, you can visit:

Monday, February 11, 2008

Just when you thought rapper Jay Z had it all, you were wrong. One thing he doesn't have is his own advertising agency. Fear not though, what a famous rapper wants, a famous rapper gets. 
In an article by the New York Times, Jay Z is working with Steve Stoute to open Translation Advertising in New York City in hopes of helping markets reach multicultural consumers.
So ya, Jay Z is a cool guy. Admit, you loved his music at one point, but can you really see him ad an ad guru? Celebrities have already taken over our clothing stores, favorite fragrance lines, cars, etc... do they need to meddle any more in our advertising?  We see them promoting every sexy, new soda, designer purse, race car, and David Yurman bracelet, so why can't they just keep to looking good and getting paid for it?
I think having a big-name celebrity in the agency can offer some good insight, but I do not feel these celebrities will really contribute to the overall market when they now know nothing less than living off million dollar paychecks.
We need to leave the market research to researchers - not rappers.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Keep Austin Weird

So while I'm in Austin visiting my BFF, I've started to notice just how creative of a city Austin is. Walking around "the Drag" as UT students like to call it, I saw so many different personality types it's hard to fit them all on here. We saw hippies chanting songs while strumming a guitar, girls smoking in the shade, clad in size double zero jeans and barely there t-shirts trying to look like they didn't give a F*#@ about life. You saw the clean-shaven and conservative businessmen rushing to get a sandwich during their lunch break, and then you saw the sea of UT students donning the traditional burnt orange shirts.
With all these different people it's no wonder Austin is home to some of the most creative people in today's working word. These people have no limits when it comes to expressing themselves - they are happy with who they are and aren't afraid to express it.
I think in order for a person to be creative they have to have a free outlet to express their creativity. In Austin, people can act, dress, talk however they want and not be judged for it. With this freedom, an individual's creativity emerges, providing to the expanding creative population of the city.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I think this ad campaign speaks for itself.  I wish we would see more if this in today's advertising. Maybe I'm the only one, but seeing half-naked, starved models showing off the new designer's lines, and hot Abercrombie boys modeling skimpy underwear is getting old.  Many companies could benefit from this type of advertising from Kenneth Cole, not to mention, attract dozens of new consumers to various products.
Each ad portrays a unique individual. There is a solider who won a Purple Heart, an Israeli and Palestine film directing team, Sikh entrepreneur, a tattooed singer, an HIV positive magazine editor, quadriplegic rugby player, undocumented immigrant, gay married couple w/ a daughter, paralympic athlete and director, and a gay republican.
Each individual tells their story of why they are unique. They do not want sympathy, rather they want respect. This campaign helps portray America as a truly diverse culture, while sending the powerful message of how unique and special people we would not give a second glance to, really are.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

More than a rope

This might be one of the most insane/ cool ideas I have ever seen.  Who would have thought you could replace a piece of rope with a human body?  Kids these days...
Children are always coming up with new ideas to keep their attention, but who would have thought a common childhood toy, let alone a piece of equipment adults use to work out, could be used in such a unique way.  I never thought I would see something this outrageous.  Or witness someone who has enough trust in their friends to pull their body in opposite directions while swinging them around.
+1 for becoming a human jump rope!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Airport Security
So I realize this article is old news, but having just returned from Phoenix, this struck me as somewhat important. If you don't read it, basically a man testing airport security managed to get through the Tampa Airport security check with a fake homemade bomb strapped around his waist, hidden beneath his shirt.  The only way this ties into being creative is that this man creatively hid the "bomb," and creatively tricked security personnel at the airport.
If people are getting away with this, it makes me think how much other "stuff" people are getting away with in airports. I tried to take a Starbucks coffee through security, but they made me throw it away just so I could buy another one out at the gate. Three people behind me, a woman walked through with a thermos of who knows what.  Apparently, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl with a chai latte is the stereotype of a terrorist.
It's obvious the terrorists in the Middle East or wherever else they live are constantly coming up with new ideas on how to creatively destroy our country. But I feel as if our country has no way to defend us from these ideas.
Maybe someone will come up with a creative way to keep our home safe. Until then, I'm convinced airport security is full of people on power trips, and will always remain selective of who they screen in security.

Friday, February 1, 2008

I guess this is funny...

When I first saw this commercial I wasn't sure whether to laugh or be offended.  I mean, the whole idea of the ad is funny, and I guess since Pepsi employees were featured in the ad it's ok, but if I was deaf I think I would be maybe slightly offended.

The message at the beginning may save Pepsi from some criticism, but not all.  If I was death I would almost feel insulted to know that other people in the country are watching the same thing, and laughing at people with my disability.  I mean a deaf person doesn't laugh at a person who has perfect hearing.

I think Pepsi definitely took a risk in airing this - even though it is humorous.  If a Snickers ad featuring two straight guys touching lips creates such an outcry, it should be interesting to see what this ad stirs up any controversy.