Friday, May 2, 2008

Looking ahead

This is probably the cliche post everyone throws up at the last minute on the last day of blogging, but whatever.  I'm just so so so relieved to have finally figured out what I want to do with my life!  Everything this semester really opened my eyes to who I am and what I am capable of in advertising and journalism.  I even know where I want to go after I graduate - well if law school or grad school doesn't work out :)  And now I'm going to be even more predictable and say that my intro to creativity class helped me realize all I want to accomplish in my life.  It inspired me to never let my ideas go unnoticed, and to never be afraid to take chances in my work - no matter how horrible they may seem at first.  It made me even more excited to find out that this class applied not only to advertising but to journalism as well.  They really should offer classes like this in other degrees, I think people who hate their major a lot less after taking a class filled with building random machines and branching off into space on different ideas.
Overall, this class really opened my eyes up to the type of person I am.  I'm no longer afraid to express myself in a group of people, and I'm definitely more confident in all my work.  I even got more creative drawing little cartoons in the margins of m notes!  So with this class behind me and another set of classes on the horizon, I can only hope my next group of classes will be this much fun.  I mean - account planning is creative right?

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