Saturday, April 12, 2008

Don't doubt the little guys

After seeing this ad in class and hearing Young and Rubicam made it I was very surprised. Y & R is a monolith - not really an agency known for producing such unique and popular work. Seeing this ad and learning it came from such a cookie cutter mold of an agency opened my eyes to something new though. You can't doubt the little, lesser known guys in an industry.
Just because Young and Rubicam doesn't have the reputation of say Wiedan and Kennedy, doesn't mean it's not capable of producing such amazing work. Or just because a kid happens to be the shortest and skinniest guy on the basketball team doesn't mean he's not the fastest and most agile athlete. It's because of these common misconceptions that our society continues to be criticized for judging those around us so harshly and missing out on some great opportunities.
If we continue to underestimate our competitors, sooner or later they are going to surpass us. Just because Y & R isn't known for producing the best ads doesn't mean it never will. The "crazy" ad blew people's minds when they saw the work the agency was capable of.
Maybe it's time we start paying a little more attention, and respect, to the little guys we encounter on a daily basis.

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