Thursday, April 24, 2008

We almost all died? What!?

It's crazy to think of the world with no humans on it, but it almost happened 70,000 years ago according to a study from Stanford.  About 70,000 years ago, there were about only 2,000 humans on earth - mostly centered around Africa. The reason? Drought.  So what would the world be like without humans to keep things in order?
Would animals take over?  I mean we credit monkeys with demonstrating similar human traits, but can they run the world? If this were to ever happen, what would become of society?  I personally think the earth would crumble because no one would be around to take care of it.  Some would argue that there would be nothing to take care of, but if we all just disappeared one day, we better believe there would be side effects left in our wake.  Who would be in charge of controlling harmful substances being released into the atmosphere?  Who would take responsibility of all other things left in existence?  This may be a little far-fetched, but I don't think the world would still exist if human disappeared.  I know it survived until we came along, but it was reduced to dust and some plants.
Today, there are more than 6.6 billion people in the world, but yet there's still chaos.  So where is the balance?  Would you rather live in a world with too many people, or one where there's a shortage of humans?

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