Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I'm going to start off by saying I'm not a huge fan or Doritos.  I'm not a fan of turning the color of the food I eat, nor am I all for trying to nibble around an awkwardly cheese-overload triangle while it's crumbles away between my fingers.  So, I'm apologizing ahead of time if I offend any Dorito fans in the horizontal and vertical textuality connections I'm about to make.

Horizontal - (single genre)
  • well let's state the obvious: Fritos, Pringles, Cheezits... all around snack food
  • that crunching noise when the man bites into the chip - it's apparent in almost ALL food commercials (same with the crinkling of the bag)
  • has anyone else noticed how many food/ beverage ads are aimed at preventing someone from stealing the main subject's food (just look at the Mountain Dew "Spy" commercials) - this trend continues in this spot, only it's a mouse instead of person
  • on that note, has anyone else noticed the object that is being prevented from getting the food usually prevails in the end?
Vertical - (multiple genres)
  • the music, while very well suited for the ad, makes me thing I should expect a fat lady to pop out of the wall not a mouse - so let's throw the music back to the Opera
  • While the mouse is not a cartoon, I couldn't help but think of Pinky and the Brain trying to take over the universe
  • and does the main guy not slightly resemble Uncle Lurch from the Adam's Family?

Tertiary text -
  • the man is clearly trying to set a certain standard for who is "worthy" enough to eat Doritos - poor mouse :(
  • while the mouse is trying to prove that all species are "worthy" and capable enough to get their paws on their own bag of chips
  • The main message I got from this ad was: If someone wants a bag of Doritos bad enough, they will go to all lengths to get them.  Anyone who desires can share in the enjoyment of these chips.

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